Questions and answers about the Bucher systems

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Questions and answers about the Bucher systems

Bucher Vita Coach, das Radionik-System der Bucher GmbH
Veröffentlicht von Wolfgang Bucher in Info report · 11 Februar 2024
Tags: RadionikBlogQuestionsanswersBuchersystemsBucherVitaCoachCorpusAnalyzerBucherAuraCoachBucherTAOMedicalproductsBuchersystem
How the Bucher systems work

First of all, we must note that a Bucher system is not a medical device that can diagnose or cure diseases. In my opinion, such a device or method is very rare to find, even in conventional medicine. Gene therapy, for example, is most likely to claim a cure, in which defective gene sections are replaced by a correction.

Typically, in conventional medicine, diagnoses are made, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels, and then a corresponding lowering medication is prescribed. In this case, however, the cause of values deviating from the norm is neither sought nor treated. The problem is simply suppressed “by force”.
If the cause then worsens, simply counteract it with a higher dose. Unfortunately, such medications almost always have disadvantages or side effects.

So it would actually be very important to find the root of the problem, the reason that caused this deviation in the values.

The Bucher system tries to do exactly this. Weak points in the “non-physical” system are looked for in the scan results. We could also speak here of a measurement of the “soul”, i.e. a measurement of the thoughts and the behavioral patterns lived. This measurement is not in the area of physics, but in the area of spirituality.
For this reason, we are not allowed to read scans of the Bucher system 1 to 1, but rather have to think about the causes of these values. What is shown in the results is not identical to the physical results of, for example, a blood test in the laboratory.

A person's soul reacts much faster to external influences than the body. The soul offers a kind of template for the body. What the soul dictates, the body tries to implement.


Someone accidentally cuts their finger with a knife. It hurts and he immediately has the thought and fear that this will leave another painful scar or that the wound might even become infected and cause major problems with healing. These thoughts, initiated by the human soul, influence the immune system, for example, and so it is possible that inflammation develops and a permanently painful scar remains from the injury. In this case, the patient sabotages the good healing of the wound.

Let's take a person who is being treated with the Bucher system. In this case, the Bucher system optimizes the human soul. This should, among other things, lead to a more positive assessment of the effects of injuries. People can now perhaps expect a more positive version of the future. The skin is completely repaired by the body's own self-healing powers, so that no scars or problems remain. The stronger self-healing powers can even strengthen the immune system, so that the risk of inflammation can be reduced. The immune system is “on its toes” and does its best to support the healing process. Now the healing is not sabotaged by the patient, but supported.

Who has healed now? The therapist? The Bucher system?
No, the person managed to heal the injury himselve, with the guidance and care of the therapist and the Bucher system. The patient's soul and body did exactly the right thing and ensured that the skin is now closed again and no painful scar has formed.

Of course, the above statements should only be seen within the scope of what is possible. I can't expect to get beautiful and smooth skin again by promoting self-healing powers after, for example, a 3rd degree burn. Nevertheless, healing could be much more successful with positive conditioning of the patient than without.

So we cannot read 1 to 1 from the results provided by the Bucher system which values should be physically corrected, but rather we strengthen people's self-healing power with these values.

Another reason for large differences between a physical and an energetic blood count could be the fact that the Bucher system does not measure the presence of substances, but rather whether the body or the cells are missing a substance. It doesn't have to be the same. For example, there could be a lot of iron in the blood, but the cells have a problem absorbing it. This means that a physical laboratory test would show the iron value in the green area, but the Bucher system would classify the value as a deficiency in the red area or with high intensity.
The transmission (the regulation), which we transmit with the scan in the energetic area of humans, could provide a blueprint for the cells about an optimal function of iron absorption.

But regardless of whether the iron deficiency is detected physically or energetically, in this case it would certainly always be a good recommendation to consume foods that are rich in iron.

Difference between initial and subsequent measurements

Basically, an initial measurement attempts to record the energetic values at the time of the measurement for all parameters. The scan result therefore shows the current status.

A follow-up measurement does not do this. The Bucher system accesses the memory and retrieves the last initial measurement. It then energetically checks whether and how much this value scanned at the time of the initial measurement has changed to date. Then this change is saved in the follow-up scan report. All internal and external influences that have occurred since the last initial measurement are intentionally ignored. We only want to see the change in values that "would have resulted" if no other external influences had occurred.

This allows us to evaluate and work through the patient's problems sequentially. Events that occur later have no influence on the assessment of the progress of therapy and cannot distort the result.

However, in the event of extreme external influences, we recommend deviating from the suggestion of a follow-up measurement in the Bucher system and deliberately continuing with an initial scan.

For example, it would make sense to perform a new initial scan if the patient had an accident and broke a bone. In this case, we do not need to continue the “old” measurement processes, but we also want the accident to be included in the new scan. That's why in this case we don't click on the left button (with the suggestion of a follow-up measurement), but rather on the second button, which has ONE triangle as a symbol (1 triangle = initial measurement / 3 triangles = follow-up measurement). With the new initial scan, the current situation is again evaluated in the scan and the accident is then also part of the result. In this case, the assessment of the accident is more important than tracking the course of therapy before the accident.

In order to better understand how initial and subsequent measurements work, I have come up with a simplified example.

Let's say you own an old house that is in need of a bit of repair. Up to now there may have only been cosmetic defects that did not affect the function of the house. Recently, however, the windows are no longer tight and the hinges need to be oiled again.

In the example, the house represents your client/patient.

The craftsman in the example who is supposed to put the house back in order represents the therapist.

Let's assume we work like in our Bucher system. If we go to the scan area and carry out a first scan, then this is automatically an initial scan.

This means we look at the patient's problems from a specific perspective. In our example, we could imagine that we are looking at the house from the south side and first recording all the defects from this perspective.

So we discover (during our initial scan) that the plaster on the south side needs to be renewed, the windows need to be sealed and all the hinges need to be oiled.

The craftsman takes a bucket and mixes up new plaster, which is then used for repairs. In our example, the bucket, the new plaster and the repairs to the house represent the treatment or therapy of the patient.

Of course we can't do everything at once; it will take some time until the work gradually gets our house back in order.

That's why every now and then we stand in the same position as at the beginning (during the initial scan) and take a close look at the effect of the repair work. You can compare this “examining look” with a “follow-up scan”. During the follow-up scan, we look at how far we have come towards our goal (resolving the problems we identified during the initial scan). If necessary, we can take corrective measures through follow-up scans to achieve our goal quickly and efficiently.

You can see how our work is gradually becoming noticeable on the house. In the fifth image (i.e. in this example after the 4th follow-up scan) we have completed the work we planned to do when looking from the south side. It looks really nice again.

Now that we have achieved our goal of resolving any problems that were visible from the south side, we can move on to the next initial scan.

In the case of our house, this means that we now look for a different perspective for a new scan. Let's say we now scan the house from the north side. There is still a lot to do there.

So we record the "defects" there too and start with the repair work, which we check again and again with the help of the inspection views (the follow-up scans) from the newly determined location.

Once the north side has also been renovated, we can move on to the next angle until the house is completely finished. There is also an east and a west side.

Now let's play through in our minds what would happen if we carried out a lot of initial scans (without follow-up scans), as many users often do in the initial phase of working with our systems.

First we start with an initial scan. It shows our house from a certain direction and we see the existing damage and problems on the house facade.
We take a bucket and mix new plaster to repair the damage.

But before we even start “plastering”, we carry out the next initial scan. We suddenly look at our house from a different direction and realize that the windows here need to be replaced. So we start by removing the broken windows.

But since we are very curious, we will start again with the next initial scan. We also look at our house from above and discover some broken roof tiles. So we quickly go to the hardware store and buy new roof tiles.

In the meantime, the new plaster in our bucket has dried up and we can no longer use it. Because of all the scanning, we didn't even get around to renovating our house with this newly mixed plaster. Now we have to throw away the bucket, find a new one and mix a new plaster.

No craftsman would work like that. OK, maybe some of them do, but they definitely won't get any more orders from the homeowner in the future. An effectively working craftsman would first finish the work he has started and then check what and where he needs to continue working.

In our example, the renovation process represents the patient's self-healing process. We should give this self-healing process a direction (a task) and then nudge it in that direction. On the way to the goal, we check the progress with follow-up scans and can therefore also see whether we have reached the goal.

Humans are naturally much more complex than the house in our example. That's why people don't just have four directions from which to view and solve problems, but rather an almost infinite number of them.

We are "educated" (sometimes incorrectly), we are urged (sometimes too much, sometimes too little), we interact with our environment, we are influenced by (often supposed) role models, by advertising, by worldview and religion. There are certainly not only negative things that influence us, but the negative things we experience usually have an unfavorable effect on our inner balance.

As a result, we become blocked in certain areas of life. If we suffer from these blockages and do not resolve them in the long term, then we are on a path that can lead to illness. So, figuratively speaking, it would be better to leave this path.

The changed viewing angle with each new initial scan, which the Bucher system determines alone based on the hardware sensor, is also the reason why different topics appear with each initial scan. For the patient's major and important issues, the scan results will be similar, but two initial scans are very rarely the same and almost never completely identical.

Sometimes there is a problem with a house that you don't know the cause of. For example, in our house there is sometimes a small puddle of water in the basement next to the central heating. It can't be rainwater because the heating is in the middle of the room and there are no outside walls or windows.
The installer commissioned to carry out the inspection claims that all water pipes are tight. There must be another reason.

Let's assume that someone has a scanning system that could scan such a problem. Would one expect the following response from this system?

"The problem is a puddle of water in the basement."

Such an answer would do us no good at all. It only describes the symptom that we already know and does not point out the cause.
It would be much better if the scanning system didn't name the symptom, but could point to a cause:

"Check the chimney."

That's a clue we can follow up on. We climb onto the roof and find that there is no cover for the chimney. When it rains heavily, the water runs into the chimney and comes out at the bottom of the maintenance hatch in the basement next to the heater. So the cause of the puddle is the missing cover on the chimney.

As the example shows, it is relatively unimportant that the scanning system points out the symptom. What is much more important is the cause, the reason for the symptom.

This example also represents therapists' problems understanding the scan results of our systems. Many users would like to see the problems in the scan results that patients are obviously suffering from and are disappointed when the patient's "current condition" is not reflected in the scan results. For example, in a scan of a woman who suffers from high blood pressure (in the house example, the puddle in the basement), there might not be a word about elevated blood pressure. Why should it be, the therapist and the patient know about the problem and pointing it out again in the scan results would not solve the problem.

Conventional medicine makes it very easy here: “No problem, just carry on living as before, I’ll prescribe you a blood pressure medication and we’ll get the problem under control.”

But something must have caused the high blood pressure and kept it high. If we could get a clue as to the cause, we might be able to fix it and the body would no longer have any reason to set the blood pressure so high.

For example, all of the stress values in the woman's scan result could be increased.

The therapist speaks to the woman about the high stress levels and, based on her answers, determines that the woman's relationship is no longer functioning properly. The woman desperately tries to steer her marriage into a more harmonious path and simply "eats" the relationship problems into herself. For fear of confrontation, important things are simply not discussed and feelings that want to come out are suppressed as much as possible.
It's boiling inside her and the pressure increases every day. If a valve is not found soon, the high pressure will eventually cause physical damage.

At least we have now found a cause (in the example above, the missing cover on the chimney) and can try to reduce the pressure by giving the woman strategies on how to react better in the relevant situations and at the same time perhaps also "steam "can drain. If she can internalize these strategies and implement them in her life, the body no longer has a reason to keep blood pressure at an "alarm level." Blood pressure can normalize and is properly regulated again. Once the real cause of the symptom has been found and defused, it is very often the case that the doctor has to put the medication to a lower dosage because it is suddenly “too strong”.

Why are my patients' values suddenly all GREEN after a while?

A follow-up scan does not change or influence the healing process, but simply looks at the extent to which the issues and problems from the last initial measurement have developed to date.

I would like to clarify this with an example:

Someone cuts their finger with a knife on January 1st. There is a wound and it is bleeding profusely. The example parameter, if it existed, would in this case be “healthy skin on the right index finger”.

The initial measurement in the Corpus Analyzer:
We take an initial measurement, take a camera and take a picture of the injured finger (i.e. we carry out an initial measurement).
What do we see: A bleeding wound.
This corresponds to a value of -100% for the parameter, since the skin on the injured finger is extremely "unhealthy" due to the bleeding wound. The parameter “healthy skin on the right index finger” is displayed in RED.

We take a follow-up measurement after 3 days.
We will take another photo of the finger after 3 days. What do we see: The wound has closed, but the entire area is still red, and the clotted blood has formed a protective layer over the wound.
Healing has begun and skin health is rated at -85%. The value is still displayed as RED.

We do another follow-up scan after 7 days.
What do we see: The wound continues to heal. It is still protected by the clotted blood. The extensive redness of the skin area has subsided somewhat.
The skin is rated at -63%. The value is displayed ORANGE.

We do another follow-up scan after 14 days.
What do we see: The wound has now healed well. You can still see a slight scar and a slight redness of the skin.
Skin health is rated at -28%. The value is displayed YELLOW.

We do another follow-up scan after 21 days.
What do we see: The wound has now healed very well. You can just see the scar and see a slight redness at the site of the cut. The skin is still a bit shiny at this point and appears to be a bit thinner.
Skin health is rated at -20%. The value is displayed YELLOW.

We do another follow-up scan on February 14th, 6 weeks after the injury.
What do we see: The wound has completely healed. Even the scar has disappeared. The skin has repaired itself so that no damage remains. It's as if the wound was never there. Skin health is rated at 0%. The value is displayed GREEN.

What happens if we don't take a follow-up measurement for a long time after the initial scan?
Now let's play it all over again:

Injury to the finger and then a first measurement
On January 1st, the skin of the index finger was injured. The skin was therefore not OK there, the parameter was displayed in RED.

We will do the follow-up scan on February 14th because the patient is only coming back to our practice now, 6 weeks after his injury. The follow-up scan assesses the current status of the issues and problems found on January 1st.
Oh, what a miracle? The skin is “suddenly” healed. The value of the parameter “healthy skin on the right index finger” is GREEN. The resonance factor is 0? How can that be? Almost all other topics that were relevant on January 1st are either resolved or are already in the GREEN area.

The reason for the GREEN:
This is probably because the skin had 6 weeks to heal and we didn't do any follow-up scans during this time to document progress. The healing process went exactly as described in the example above, only we did not document it with follow-up scans. Now all the problems of the finger are gone because the body, with our guidance, has taken care of the problem itself. Most of the other issues that existed on January 1st have also resolved or reached the GREEN zone.

What's stupid now is that the patient injured his finger again on February 10th, 4 days ago, with a similar wound on the other hand. However, we did not take these into account at all in the follow-up scan on February 14th, where we only looked at the problems from January 1st. The wound from February 10th will not be taken into account until the next initial measurement.

So on February 14th, after the follow-up measurement that showed everything GREEN, we take a new initial measurement. And in fact, not everything is GREEN anymore, because now the new injury on the other hand is also being evaluated.

This is the reason why after some time all values in patients are displayed as GREEN. And this is exactly the moment when the Bucher system suggests not to do any more follow-up scans for this patient, but rather a new initial scan that also takes into account any problems that occurred after the last initial scan. The left button changes and now shows ONE triangle for a new initial measurement.

If you don't want to view or document the course of therapy through follow-up scans, which makes less sense after a long time, you can do an initial scan at the patient's next visit, for example after 4 weeks, to show the current problems.

In this case, the left button may still show THREE triangles. The Bucher system shows that he is proposing a follow-up scan because not all values were on GREEN during the last scan.

So if you don't want the old initial measurement to be evaluated by a new follow-up measurement, then you should simply click on the middle button (with ONE triangle) to force a new initial measurement.

Recommendation for repeating initial and follow-up scans

As a recommendation when using our systems, users should ensure that they do not perform more than 2 scans per week for a client. Ideally, even 1 scan per week is enough. More scans usually just lead to more work and a self-healing power that goes around in circles and doesn't have the chance to reach a goal properly because it's always being sent to a different goal.

A therapist should always try to first resolve the patient's blockages and problems that hinder or burden him the most. The initial and follow-up scans (maximum 1 to 2 times per week) can be used very well for this purpose.

At some point, all parameters will move into the green area because the topic has either been completely resolved or other topics are now more important. This is the point at which the Bucher system no longer suggests a follow-up measurement, but rather a new initial measurement. For many patients it takes between 30 and 60 days until all parameters are in the green zone. However, if more extreme problems arise, harmonization of the significantly different values can take much longer.

Our goal is for the patient, with the help of our users and the Bucher system, to find a fork in the road with an alternative lifestyle that leads them to a more harmonious, healthy and happier life.

Bucher GmbH
Schlossstr. 30, 73572 Heuchlingen, Tel.: 0049 (0) 7174 7400,

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